Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 9: HDR


I would have to say there wasn't a whole lot of chose of color in Bannack so when I saw the truck with the color orange, I took the opportunity to capture it. And this is what came out. I used the ultra contrast in the HDR program and it made the color really stand out against the blue sky. This a program I will have to play with in the future.

Old Truck1; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 1/1250; f/4; Nikon D300S
Old Truck2; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 1/320; f/4; Nikon D300S
Old Truck3; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 1/640; f/4; Nikon D300S

Week 9: Bannack Best


What a fun trip to Bannack, MT. One would probably ask themselves what in the world would you take a picture of in a ghost town but there was so much. It is hard to capture all the unique things that are there but I attempted. I learned a lot of new techniques and it was nice to have a whole day set aside to just learn and to experience with different settings and what not. It was memorable day especially with a van breaking down :).

Heather (Portrait): March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/2500; f/3.2; Sony DSC H7
Look at Me (Ghost); March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 50/10; f/8; Sony DSC h7
Wheat Field (Macro); March 3, 2010; Almost to Bannack; 10/12500; f/5.6; Sony DSC H7
Hotel Meade: March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/8000; f/3.5; Sony DSC H7
Through the Window; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/5000; f/3.5; Sony DSC H7
Lonely Wheel; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/10000; f/4.5; Sony DSC H7

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 8: Scanography Edit


Mirage; March 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; Scanner

Mirage: So I had this random photography magazine so I ripped out pictures of it and merged together to create a mirage in a desert.

Week 8: Scannography


Random from a Backpack; March 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; Scanner

I honestly had no idea what to scan so I just looked in my backpack see what I could find and this is what I came up with. Nothing special.