Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 9: HDR


I would have to say there wasn't a whole lot of chose of color in Bannack so when I saw the truck with the color orange, I took the opportunity to capture it. And this is what came out. I used the ultra contrast in the HDR program and it made the color really stand out against the blue sky. This a program I will have to play with in the future.

Old Truck1; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 1/1250; f/4; Nikon D300S
Old Truck2; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 1/320; f/4; Nikon D300S
Old Truck3; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 1/640; f/4; Nikon D300S

Week 9: Bannack Best


What a fun trip to Bannack, MT. One would probably ask themselves what in the world would you take a picture of in a ghost town but there was so much. It is hard to capture all the unique things that are there but I attempted. I learned a lot of new techniques and it was nice to have a whole day set aside to just learn and to experience with different settings and what not. It was memorable day especially with a van breaking down :).

Heather (Portrait): March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/2500; f/3.2; Sony DSC H7
Look at Me (Ghost); March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 50/10; f/8; Sony DSC h7
Wheat Field (Macro); March 3, 2010; Almost to Bannack; 10/12500; f/5.6; Sony DSC H7
Hotel Meade: March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/8000; f/3.5; Sony DSC H7
Through the Window; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/5000; f/3.5; Sony DSC H7
Lonely Wheel; March 3, 2010; Bannack, MT; 10/10000; f/4.5; Sony DSC H7

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 8: Scanography Edit


Mirage; March 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; Scanner

Mirage: So I had this random photography magazine so I ripped out pictures of it and merged together to create a mirage in a desert.

Week 8: Scannography


Random from a Backpack; March 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; Scanner

I honestly had no idea what to scan so I just looked in my backpack see what I could find and this is what I came up with. Nothing special.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 7: Borderes


The Color Green: February 23, 2010; Rexburg, ID; 70/10; f/2.7; DSC Sony H7
Green Todd: February 23, 2010; Rexburg, ID; 40/10; f/2.8; DSC Sony H7

On the first picture I did Burned Border but it is not as noticeable since it is a dark picture. Then on the Todd picture I did the flexible vignette. I tried it with a matching color border but didn't like it so much so I just put a white border and did a little feathering and lowered the opacity and I like this border then the other one.

Week 7: Night and Light


Outline; February 23, 2010; Rexburg, ID; 250/10; f/ 2.7/DSC -H7
Face: February 23, 2010; Rexburg, ID; 7/10; f/2.7; DSC-H7

My roommate's brother volunteer to help me out and we had a blast doing this assignment. At first it was difficult to get the right setting and to know how to set the settings and what not but eventually after a lot of practice shots were able to some neat shots. I wish on the first shot I was able to get the whole outline but for some reason it wouldn't capture by the legs. But this was a project that was fun doing and I would do it again.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 6: Panoramics


I was trying to think of something long and first thing that came to mind was a train. This was taken in here Rexburg right off of main street. The middle and the last picture look like they are the same but I promise they're not. I just did a lot of overlapping and I didn't realize it. It was really cloudy today so I just adjusted the brightness and the contrast on it.

Long Black Train; February 17, 2010; Rexburg, ID; f/8; 10/4000; Sony DSC W7

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 5: Template and Clipping Mask


Just used one of the templates and did some minor edits to some of pictures to make them fit better in the mask.

Week 5: Daily Photo Journal


Big Blue Eyes; February 3, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Open Field; February 4, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Smuckers; February 5, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Money on the Table; February 6, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Green Bathroom; February 7, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
No Bake Cookies; February 8, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
What you looking at?; February 9, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electroncs; VX 9700

Alright you might be wondering what camera I used for this project. Well to be perfectly honest, I used my phone. There were moments where I didn't have a camera but of course I had my phone and so I thought since I took one picture with my phone, lets see what other pictures I can capture. Surprisingly the pictures took better then I thought and also a great size. The original sizes are around 2000 pixels.

All these pictures I took, they were moments where I usually wouldn't have a camera. I wish I could tell you the story behind all these pictures. But there is a story behind all of these. What a fun week it has been.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 4: Enhancements


I liked the sleeping picture better because it was sharper but the color was too light but I liked the smile picture better. So I just matched the color and from there I proceeded to make further adjustments that are seen in the portrait post.

May You Sleep Angels; February 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 10/130; DSC Sony H20
All Smiles: February 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 10/130; DSC Sony H20
May You Sleep With Angels:

Week 4: Portraits


Miss Madysen Adams was so kind enough to stay asleep for a few minutes while I tried to get a quick snap shot of her. I matched the color to another photo that I took of her and her mom, Katie and then lowered the color intensity and it also lighten it with the Luminance tool. With Katie and Madysen together, the picture was too dark so I took a picture of mine own that lighten it up, faded the colors, cropped it and then just faded the background and adjusted the colors to black and white.

Mommy's Little Angel; February 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 10/80; Sony DSC H20
May You Sleep With Angels: February 2, 2010; Rexburg, ID f/4; 10/130; Sony DSC H20

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 3: Adjustment Layers and Smart Filters


A Burning Bush: January 26, 2010; 4:45 p.m.; f/4; 10/2500; Sony DSC H50
Pondering: January 27, 2010 8:10 a.m.; f/3.5; 10/1250; Sony DSC H50

I did an adjustment layer with the bush to make it darker so I could lighten the tree to make a shine affect. With Buddy, I just added a halftone pattern to create somewhat of a poster affect. Who would have known a dog could have such a strong profile :)

Week 3: Flora and Fauna


Out on a Limb: January 26, 2010; 4:30 p.m.; f/4.5; 10/1600; Sony DSC H50
In your Face: January 27, 2010; 8:10 a.m.; f/2.8; 10/250; Sony DSC H50

This morning, the sheep were locked up so I stuck the lens between the lens and see what I got and the lamb decided to come see and check it out. It's nose, snout or whatever it is, it is really in your face. I added a radial blur just to make it pop it out more and to use a different blur. For some reason I like seclude a part of plant off. With the snow on it and in the background, I think it creates somewhat a peaceful feeling.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 2: Blending Types


Temple: January 20, 2010; 8:00 a.m; f/3.5; 10/500; Sony DSC HX1
Sailing the Snow: January 19, 2010; 3:10 p.m.; f/5.6; 10/12500; Sony DSC HX1

Rexburg has a lot of things to offer. It is known for it's outdoor recreational sports but also for the buildings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So I wanted to get that represents both. While I was out looking for a landscaped place, I was lucky enough to come across a random guy just sailing away. I wish I could get up closer but I was able to get a shot with a lot of open space so I would be able to blend the Rexburg Temple in with it.

Week 2: Landscape & Still Life


Standing Alone: January 20, 2010 7:20 a.m.; Rexburg, Idaho; f/3.5; 10/130; Sony DSC HX1
So Close:January 20, 2010 7:30 a.m.; Rexburg, Idaho; f/3.2; 10/600; Sony DSC HX1

I wanted some pictures during the sunrise but when I went out this morning it was snowing. So I did my best to work with the snow but I decided I liked the snow in the tree picture because it adds texture and moment to it. I also wanted the temple in the background so that is why I chose to take a picture of the berry of some sort.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 1: Study in Color


Keeping It All In: 01-12-10; 2 p.m.; Rexburg, ID (backyard); f/2.7; 10/4000; Sony DSC-H50
Mr. Hobbs: 01-12-10; 3 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/2.7; 10/130; Sony DSC-H50; attempt of macro
Keep Your Shoulder to the Wheel: 1-12-10; Rexburg, ID; f/2.7; 10/2000; Sony DSC-H50

I live out on a small farm and it had a variety of objects with, surprisingly, the color orange. Because the wheel and the fence were outside, I didn't have much of a choice of lighting but I believe the snow and light helped the color stand out even more. I am still trying to get a hang of the different settings and now I wish I used the macro on the wheel.

After taking a couple of shots of still objects, I thought a animal would add some variety but lets just say, Mr. Hobbs was not very cooperative. This is the only shot I was able to get of him because he wouldn't sit still. Because of the hurry of the picture, it created its own effects but wish I had better lighting.