Big Blue Eyes; February 3, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Open Field; February 4, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Smuckers; February 5, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Money on the Table; February 6, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
Green Bathroom; February 7, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
No Bake Cookies; February 8, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electronics; VX 9700
What you looking at?; February 9, 2010; Rexburg, ID; LG Electroncs; VX 9700
Alright you might be wondering what camera I used for this project. Well to be perfectly honest, I used my phone. There were moments where I didn't have a camera but of course I had my phone and so I thought since I took one picture with my phone, lets see what other pictures I can capture. Surprisingly the pictures took better then I thought and also a great size. The original sizes are around 2000 pixels.
All these pictures I took, they were moments where I usually wouldn't have a camera. I wish I could tell you the story behind all these pictures. But there is a story behind all of these. What a fun week it has been.